Alberta Whitetail Connection

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Alberta Whitetail Connection

Rated 0 out of 5.0 based on 3 Outfitter reviews.

Contact: Don Tyschuk

Location: Alberta

Species Hunted: Whitetail Deer

State(s) Hunted: AB


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outfitter review submitted by: Scott Reeves on Sep 23 2007

Species Hunted: Whitetail Deer

Game Quality: very low

Accommodation Quality: good

Camp Condition: fair

Food Quality: very good

Guide Experience: very little seen

Other Personal Experience: n/a

Overall Impression: EXTREAMLY dissippointed

Recommend: no

Reviewer Comments: This was my third hunt with Alberta Whitetail Connection. My first two hunts I had harvested a fairly nice buck but weather conditions were different. This time when me and my friend Glen arrived it was snowing and continued to snow all week. Don Tyschuck the owner and guide was poorly prepared for this weather and had no means to get us to our stands through the snow so we had to hike almost a mile in knee deep snow carring all of our equipment to reach our stand. Don uses the same stands every year and did not have a back up plan in case the game was not moving. We sat the stand for 66 hours ...6 days for 11 hours a day and between Glen and myself we saw a total of 5 deer during the week. The owner never offered any suggestions other then to be patient however when we would hike into our stands we were seeing little if any fresh tracks in the snow. I asked him a number of times to move to s different stand but he would just say be patient. I finally on Friday took a pop up bilnd blind in with me and hunted from it. We would liked to have thought Don would have offered to push the bush or something other then to set in his truck all day drinking coffee, smkoing and listening to sports radio. I will never hunt with this outfiiter again, not because we did not harvest a buck but because of his lack of effort.

outfitter review submitted by: James Palma on Sep 19 2007

Species Hunted: Deer

Game Quality: Very Good

Accommodation Quality: Very Good

Camp Condition: New

Food Quality: Quality Home Cooked

Guide Experience: Very Good

Other Personal Experience: Very Good

Overall Impression: Very Good

Recommend: Yes

Reviewer Comments: I have hunted with Don 4 times. He is very knowledgeable about the game you are hunting and the property he hunts. He runs a family run operation and does not over book by any means. He generally only hunts one or two weeks a year and has a 4 hunter max. When you hunt in on his property the deer you see are relaxed and not pressured. Anyone who hunts northern whitetails knows that you do not see the huge numbers of deer you would in Texas but the ones you see are generally large. Also the week you hunt is very important. Don will tell you when exactly to come. Listen to him because he knows his land My group including myself (father, brother, cousin, myself) have taken some really nice bucks and will be returning without a doubt. I have hunted across the United States and Africa. I never feel as comfortable as I do when I am in Don’s camp. You feel like one of the family when you are there. Feel free to call or email me with any questions regarding this hunt.

outfitter review submitted by: Glen Bachman on Dec 6 2006

Species Hunted: Whitetail/Moose

Game Quality: Poor

Accommodation Quality: Good

Camp Condition: Good

Food Quality: Very Good

Guide Experience: Poor

Other Personal Experience: N/A

Overall Impression: Poor

Recommend: No

Reviewer Comments: Third time hunting with this outfitter. First two times deer were moving on this outfitters limited property and I was successful. This year there was no deer movement on outfitter's one quarter section of hunting property and the outfitter, who also acted as the guide, just sat in his truck all week smoking cigarettes. This is an outfitter who will do absolutely nothing extra to insure hunters success. He acts as the guide to save money. He hunts the same stands year in and year out and is physically unable to do much more than sit in his truck and smoke. If you get lucky you may get a chance at a big deer--but it will be strictly luck as this outfitter will do nothing once he's got your money. Be prepared to sit and see nothing for a solid week and do not expect this outfitter to be anything but lazy. Did I mention that he chain smokes on the way to and from dropping you off at your stand? And that's if the snow isn't to deep for him to drive you in. On one day of the hunt I had to walk almost a mile through 2 feet of snow to get to my stand as this guy was unprepared to get me into the stand because of the conditions. It was walk in or sit in the truck with him smoking all day.I would stay away from this outfitter if you expect anything more than a cab ride to your stand. There will be no extra effort so do not expect it.

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