Bigfoot Taxidermy Guide Service
Clay Flock
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Location: Collinsville, Illinois
Species Hunted: Whitetail Deer
State(s) Hunted: IL
Website: no information on file
Contact: Justin Johns and Ben Harris
Location: Hotchkiss, Colorado
Species Hunted: Elk, Mule Deer, Black Bear, Bobcat, Mountain Lion
State(s) Hunted: CO
Quebec Hunting Information
Quebec is probably best know as an excellent caribou hunting destination. Hunters from across the globe travel to Quebec to hunt their big Quebec-Labrador caribou migration. In addition to caribou hunting, Quebec offers black bears, Canada moose and whitetails.
Wyoming Hunting Information
Wyoming is a great state for hunters! It offers a wide variety of good big game, turkey, small game, upland and predator hunting.
Arizona Hunting Information
Arizona has lots of trophy big game but is probably best known for its trophy elk and mule deer. This partially due to the limited number of tags available.