Colorados Mountain West Outfitting Co
Colorado's Mountain West Outfitting Co.
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Contact: Art Crane
Location: Craig, Colorado
Species Hunted: Whitetail Deer, Elk
State(s) Hunted: CO
Contact: Marty Brown
Location: Corpus Christie, Texas
Species Hunted: Whitetail Deer
State(s) Hunted: TX
Arizona Hunting Information
Arizona has lots of trophy big game but is probably best known for its trophy elk and mule deer. This partially due to the limited number of tags available.
Ohio Hunting Information
Ohio is best known for its trophy whitetail deer. In fact, the world record non-typical whitetail was harvested in Greene county by Mike Beatty in November 2001,
Illinois Hunting Information
Illinois is widely known as a top trophy whitetail destination. Illinois also has some great waterfowl hunting, especially in southern portions of the state.