Don Tuff Ayers
Don (Tuff) Ayers
Rated 1 out of 5.0 based on 3 Outfitter reviews.
Contact: Don (Tuff) Ayers
Location: Alberta
Species Hunted: Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer, Black Bear, Canada Moose
State(s) Hunted: AB
Submitted by: Damon Petersen
Review Submitted: Oct 10, 2010
Hunt Date: Oct 10, 2010
Species Hunted: Canada Moose
Days Hunted: 10
Hunt Type: Guided
Primary Terrain: Foothills
Method: Rifle
Price Range: 5000-6999
Number of animals seen, met expectations?
Size of animals seen, met expections?
Hunting pressure in the guides area, met expectations?
Would you hunt with this Guide again?
Disappointing Moose Hunt
This was sold as a 10-day rut, hunt. Apparently ten days includes the trip in (which you can't hunt) and the trip out (also, which you can't hunt). When we arrived at camp, the camp was not completely set up. We paid a lot of money to hunt every possible minute. A lot of our "hunting" time was spent setting up camp, working on the Argos, and waiting for the outfitter. One afternoon, we didn't hunt because the outfitter said, "Moose don't move in the wind." The outfitter was constantly yelling and degrading the guides and treated us as ignorant children. Being from Montana and experienced big-game hunters, including other guided hunts, we expected more for our money.
Submitted by: Don Brown
Review Submitted: Jun 2, 2010
Hunt Date: May 21, 2010
Species Hunted: Black Bear
Days Hunted: 7
Hunt Type: Guided
Primary Terrain: Foothills
Method: Rifle
Price Range: 4000-4999
Number of animals seen, met expectations?
Size of animals seen, met expections?
Hunting pressure in the guides area, met expectations?
Would you hunt with this Guide again?
Nightmare guided hunt
This hunt was sold to us as a wilderness black bear hunt out of a wall tent, in an area where the outfiter had rotated over 100 bait sites. In addition, the bears were suppose to be plentiful and exceptional in size. Prior years hunts reportedly produced over 100% success rate. Our guide confided in us upon arrival that he had no hunters the prior week and the baits had not been baited in 2 weeks, but we would spot and stalk until we could replenish baits. Spot and stalk meant road hunt, and we ended up road hunting for 7 days out of his pick up truck. While we did see 2-3 bears per 8-12 hour day, neither my partner nor I had a single archery shot opportunity. If I had not brought a rifle as a back up plan we would have gone home empty handed. We got 1 bear on the second to last day. Reports from other hunters in the area was that the hunting over bait was great and all had great (100% +) success. I would not recommend this outfitter to anyone.
Submitted by: Jim Gilmour
Review Submitted: May 30, 2010
Hunt Date: May 27, 2010
Species Hunted: Black Bear
Days Hunted: 7
Hunt Type: Guided
Primary Terrain: Foothills
Method: Rifle
Price Range: 4000-4999
Number of animals seen, met expectations?
Size of animals seen, met expections?
Hunting pressure in the guides area, met expectations?
Would you hunt with this Guide again?
Tuff Ayers Bear Hunt
We were sold a Black Bear Hunt by a famous booking agent. It was supposed to out of wall tents and over bait. The outfitter Tuff (not Don), did not return e-mails before the hunt so we were worried. He said that he did not have time for e-mails This was one of the bad hunts you hear about. We stayed at a fishing/Oil worker camp that was nice, but not the rustic experience we were looking for. Were told that he had not placed any baits for 2 weeks, so we would spot and stalk which amounted to road hunting. There were 3 of us in his truck 10 hours a day. We wanted to bow hunt but my friend brought a rifle which we used to kill the one shooter bear we had a chance at. We would not have had any chance if the gun had not been brought. I would not recommend this outfitter to anyone.
Contact: J. Paul Taylor
Location: Midway, Alabama
Species Hunted: Whitetail Deer, Turkey, Quail
State(s) Hunted: AL
Iowa Hunting Information
Iowa is one of the best Midwestern states for monster whitetail bucks. Non-residents must apply for a tag in their annual drawing. Archery tags are the most sought after and depending on what units you apply for generally take 2-4 years to draw.
Oregon Hunting Information
Oregon is not known to be a trophy big game producing state. That said they do have good quantities of animals such as Elk.
Arizona Hunting Information
Arizona has lots of trophy big game but is probably best known for its trophy elk and mule deer. This partially due to the limited number of tags available.