Powderhorn Taxidermy
Buffalo County Buck Connection
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Contact: Jeff and Dave Peil
Location: Wisconsin
Species Hunted: Whitetail Deer, Turkey
State(s) Hunted: WI
Contact: Matt Brewster
Location: Latham, Ohio
Species Hunted: Whitetail Deer, Turkey
State(s) Hunted: OH
Arizona Hunting Information
Arizona has lots of trophy big game but is probably best known for its trophy elk and mule deer. This partially due to the limited number of tags available.
Colorado Hunting Information
Colorado is one of the best western states for trophy mule deer hunting and has the largest population of elk in the west.
New Mexico Hunting Information
New Mexico is one of the top destinations for trophy Elk and Antelope hunting. Draw odds can be tough depending on the unit but landowner tags are also available for those who don't draw. Mule Deer are plentiful but generally of average size. Only a couple of units and reservations consistently produce big muleys.